Bay Area Tenant Assembly 2024

Bay Area Tenant Assembly is put on by the Regional Tenant Organizing Network. This assembly will be a space for tenants and housing advocates to connect and learn from across the Bay. The assembly will feature tenant leaders from across the region who have taken steps to build power with their neighbors and strengthen tenant protections in their communities. Come build tenant power with us! We will have dinner and entertainment. Childcare, and Spanish interpretation will be available for all participants. For questions about the assembly please contact James Huynh, james@rtonetwork.org.
El 27 de Julio, la Red Regional de Organización de Inquilinos presentará la Asamblea de Inquilinos del Área de la Bahía en el Roosevelt Community Center, 901 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA 95116. Esta asamblea será un espacio para que inquilinos y defensores de la vivienda se conecten y aprendan desde el otro lado de la Bahía. La asamblea contará con líderes de inquilinos de toda la región que han tomado medidas para generar poder con sus vecinos y fortalecer la protección de los inquilinos en sus comunidades. ¡Ven a desarrollar el poder de los inquilinos con nosotros! Tendremos cena y entretenimiento. Habrá cuidado de niños e interpretación en español disponibles para todos los participantes. Si tiene preguntas sobre la asamblea, comuníquese con James Huynh en james@rtonetwork.org
Bay Area Tenant Assembly
History of the Assembly
The Regional Tenant Organizing Network has been hosting a Bay Area Renters Assembly for the past seven years. The assembly has served as a avenue for tenant rights organizations, housing justice organizations, tenant associations & allies to come together, set priorities and build relationships. An important aspect of the assembly is that it is in a different geographical location in the Bay Area every year to ensure that the conversation can reflect learnings from across the region while also supporting power building locally.
Every year, the assembly looks a little different depending on the assessment of tenant organizing in the region and the status of the network as a whole. However some factors remain constant:
1. We focus on tenant rights organizing as the principle orientation to address the housing affordability, gentrification and displacement crisis in the Bay Area
2. We highlight tenant leader and organizer wins and experiences to galvanize other jurisdictions to take more disciplined, strategic action
3. We focus on bringing in elements of arts and cultureu to cultivate greater interconnectedness among renters